The system of patents in Colombia
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System Patent
Rights of Intellectual Property
Foreign Direct Investment
Gross Domestic Product and Technology Innovation.

How to Cite

Viana-Barceló, R. (2007). The system of patents in Colombia. Clío América, 1(2), 268–302.


AbstractIn this document an economic analysis of the System of Patents of Colombia is made. For it, the effect that has the patents granted to the foreign inventors on the Direct Foreign Investment and the Internal Product Gross National, through the technique of regression of data settles down panel. Of equal way, the economic sectors are identified that register greater rates of innovation on the part of the national and foreign inventors.Sample that the national system of intellectual property has a degree of agreed strength with the rest of Latin American countries; for it, an index of degree of fortification of system of national patent is constructed that soon will be compared with the one of other Latin countries.
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