The relations European Union-Cuba. Evolution and perspective.
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Cuba as special case
Common Position of the U.E.
Triangle U.E - EE.UU. - Cuba
Transition to the Democracy in Cuba
Crisis of the 2003.

How to Cite

Díaz-Lezcano, E. (2007). The relations European Union-Cuba. Evolution and perspective. Clío América, 1(2), 259–267.


AbstractThe relations between the European Union and Cuba have been oscillating and precarious since they were established in 1988. In spite of the important paper of Europe in the economic activity of Cuba, this one is the only country of Latin America and one of the few of the world that does not have an agreement of collaboration with the European Union. It must, in the fundamental thing, to the supeditation of the U.E to the policy of the United States.Following the dictations of Washington, the relations of the U.E with Cuba govern, from 1996, by the call Common Position, that it conditions the improvement of the bonds to a radical change in the prevaleciente political system in the Island. to stay this situation, as everything seems to indicate, a remarkable change to and medium term is not due to hope short.
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