Communication revisited in the context of the enterprise organizations
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Systemic Process
Management of Meaning.Introducción.

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Caridad, M., Batista, J., & Castellano, M. I. (2007). Communication revisited in the context of the enterprise organizations. Clío América, 1(2), 240–258.


AbstractThis article looks for to demonstrate, from the perspective of the present exigencies of the enterprise sector, that the communication is a strategic axis for the development of all the carried out processes by the same ones, or are internal or with its surroundings. In order to obtain this objective a route by four is made you separate. In first, the communication is characterized, taking to the people like center of the process, and its implicancias in the organizations; in the second, a communicational model influenced by the systemic process is described, with feasible pertinence in a paradoxical reality where they arouse the rational and the intuitive thing; in third, the communication in relation to the organizational culture is analyzed; in order to finalize, in the quarter the management of meaning like support of the effective interactions is emphasized. The scenes are covered with the enterprise context dividing of the human and everything by means of theoretical fundamentación.
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