Comparison of the quarterly volatility of the COLCAP index in the period 2012-2017
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hypothesis testing; COLCAP index; quarter; volatility forecasting.

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Gutierrez-Romero, A. de J. ., Acevedo-Amorocho, A., Prada-Marín, D. A. ., González-Sandoval, J. F. ., & Gómez-Cortés, J. M. . (2019). Comparison of the quarterly volatility of the COLCAP index in the period 2012-2017. Clío América, 13(25), 308–317.


The Colombian Stock Market is managed by the Colombian Stock Exchange, which evaluates the behavior of the market through financial indicators, among which is the COLCAP index, that measures the movement of the price of the most liquid shares in the Colombian market. This indicator is updated quarterly, both in the actions that comprise it and in the corresponding participation of each of them, so it is important to compare the variation of said index from one quarter to another, and thus determine if there is significant evidence in the difference between the quarterly variations of the index. In order to carry out this study, information is taken from the index in the period from the first (01) of February 2012 to the thirty-one (31) of January 2017 and the data is analyzed using the simple variance analysis model or a Only factor starting from the initial hypothesis that the variation of period 1 is equal to the remaining periods (2, 3 and 4), showing in the results that there is not enough statistical evidence to reject this hypothesis.
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