Behavior of the consumer of products in the offer of indigenous inga tribes
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tradition; economy; marketing; tribe; inga.

How to Cite

Vergel-Ortega, M. ., Paz-Montes , L. S. ., & Rojas-Suárez, J. P. . (2019). Behavior of the consumer of products in the offer of indigenous inga tribes. Clío América, 13(25), 276–286.


The research follows a mixed approach; and aims to design a structural model that identifies explanatory variables in the process of purchasing crafts and medicinal plant extracts from the Inga community. Using the ethnographic method in qualitative research and using elements of the factorial and correlational design, based on the structural equation model (SEM) of the quantitative approach, instruments are implemented for interviewing, observing and surveying a sample made up of 500 passers-by who consume natural products and 280 members of the Inga community in the municipality of Cúcuta-Colombia. The results allow us to identify emerging categories such as participatory territorial planning, context, equality of rights, sustainable production, organization, research and innovation, marketing, training as a natural investment, as well as, within an environmental investment, factors of human talent capacity, use of ancestral practices, social factors, product, affection, technology; all of which affect consumer behavior as an irruption of the social order. It is concluded that, from the logit model, the cultural representation influenced by the consumer's behavior of products in the offer of the tribes is identified.
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