Factors driving the mexican stock echange
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Stock market; prices and quotation Index; exchange rate; interest rate; oil price.

How to Cite

Ladrón de Guevara-Cortés, R., López-Juárez, G. I., & Madrid-Paredones, R. M. (2019). Factors driving the mexican stock echange. Clío América, 13(25), 232–242. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897848.3025


The purpose of this research is to provide preliminary empirical evidence about a set of macroeconomic variables that could explain the behavior of the stock market in Mexico. The variable to explain is represented by the Prices and Quotations Index (IPC by its acronym in Spanish), and the explanatory variables are characterized by the exchange rate Mexican peso – United States dollar, the interest rate and the oil price. The methodology for the empirical analysis includes, first, a correlational study on the variables object of this research; and secondly, univariate (simple linear regression) and multivariate (multiple linear regression) cross-section econometric contrasts which are applied on the aforementioned indicators. The results of this research provide empirical evidence about the influence of two of these macroeconomic variables on the behavior of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV by its acronym in Spanish): the exchange rate and the oil price.
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