Dynamic learning capacities in the competitiveness of the ceramic sector of the Cucuta city: case Arcillas Zuligres Company

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Lissette Gabriela Maldonado- Niño
Gladys Katherine Collantes- Miranda
Liliana Marcela Bastos- Osorio


The article presents results of the research Dynamic capacities of learning in the competitiveness of companies of the ceramic sector in Cucuta; "Zuligres company", identifying the different levels of learning that develops an organization in changing environments and how it affects the organization. The study is descriptive, documentary and field, where competitive positioning is analyzed and dynamic learning capacities are identified, focused on market needs To strengthen the relationship with the client. As for the identification of the level of learning of Zuligres and of the Sector, according to the article the four floors of the learning of the author José Maria Mendoza in the No 1 level assimilative and tacit. The analysis of the learning resource in the company Arcillas Zuligres showed that the factor "dialogue", the factor "share knowledge", "participatory decision making" and "risk taking" showed the lowest score in the evaluation and therefore must be taken as inputs to generate the proposal. Finally, we proceeded to identify the dynamic learning capabilities to promote strategic actions that support the results expected by the company.


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How to Cite
Maldonado- Niño, L. G., Collantes- Miranda, G. K., & Bastos- Osorio, L. M. (2018). Dynamic learning capacities in the competitiveness of the ceramic sector of the Cucuta city: case Arcillas Zuligres Company. Clío América, 12(24), 109–121. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897848.2649
Article of scientific and technological research
Author Biographies

Lissette Gabriela Maldonado- Niño, Universidad Simón Bolívar de Cúcuta

Magister en Administración de Empresas E innovación Universidad Simón Bolívar; Docente Investigador

Gladys Katherine Collantes- Miranda, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander y Fundación Estudios Superiores Comfanorte - FESC, Cúcuta

Magister en Administración de Empresas E innovación; Docente Investigador

Liliana Marcela Bastos- Osorio, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander de Cúcuta

Candidato a Doctorado en Estudios Político


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