Logistics management in the textile-clothing sector in Colombia: challenges and opportunities for the improvement of competitiveness
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Logistics; SCM; Competitiveness; Textile-Clothing Industry.

How to Cite

Zuluaga-Mazo, A., Cano-Arenas, J. A., & Montoya-Peláez, M. (2018). Logistics management in the textile-clothing sector in Colombia: challenges and opportunities for the improvement of competitiveness. Clío América, 12(23), 98–108. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897848.2621


This article aims to review and analyze the current problems of the textile sector - clothing, design and fashion in Colombia, derived from external factors related to the socioeconomic situation of the country, import and export policies, unfair competition, continued tax reforms, among many others that can make vulnerable one or more links in the supply chain. In order to identify the role of logistics in this business sector, and to propose alternatives for productivity and competitiveness, a thorough analysis of the available theoretical framework is carried out, interviews with businessmen are conducted and a state of art of logistics management is established. As a result, a context of the current situation of the sector, as well as actions and possible contributions are proposed from the logistics point of view to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the companies that belong to this economic sector.
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