Relocation of productive facilities through mathematical method of coordinate recalcular – MMRC
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Mathematical method; Production and organizations; Location of the company; Agribusiness.

How to Cite

Causado-Rodríguez, E., Díaz-Armenta, F., & Sánchez-González, D. (2018). Relocation of productive facilities through mathematical method of coordinate recalcular – MMRC. Clío América, 12(23), 73–86.


The objective of this article is to determine the location of an organization's place of operations through the application of a new method that includes the recalculation of coordinates and qualitative factors, which represent restrictions for its location. Therefore, localization methods are essential when facilitating the location of a productive site, such as the center of gravity method, through which it is possible to find the location of the site for a company; however, this method is 100 % quantitative and only takes into account aspects such as demand and location coordinates of the production site. As a conclusion of the exercise, it is evident that the use of the center of gravity method is insufficient; given that the location obtained is not optimal and therefore, it is necessary to apply a new method of relocation, which determines the new site of interest, called in this case the "Mathematical Method of Recalculation of Coordinates - MMRC", by means of factor analysis of a qualitative nature that affect the new location of the site, guaranteeing the most reliable relocation; presenting, in turn, two case studies, which show the feasibility and benefits of the application of this new scientific tool.
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