Service dominant logic premises: automobile insurance in Colombia

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Carolina Panche-Vidales
Sandra Patricia Rojas-Berrio
Óscar Javier Robayo-Pinzón


Service is one of the fundamental axes of any organization which is continuously being evaluated by costumers, generating in them relational links of short, medium or long term. For insurance sector this scenario is relevant also, as the customers’ experiences are unique and one-off moments of service where empathy has an important role in making a difference; therefore, this work has as purpose to evaluate the fundamental premises of the Service-dominant logic with experts in automobile insurance in Colombia, seeking to identify the premises with the highest impact and to construe the co-creation and perceived value concepts from their perspectives. The methodological approach is made from Delphi method, a technique based on questions about the vision of the future, where insurance experts provide their opinions until they reach consensus and congruence on what can be prospected for the insurance sector. The main findings show that the sector can provide a better service by investing in technological developments, whereby the processes be agile and clear regarding the coverage acquired, and permanently accompany their insured.


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How to Cite
Panche-Vidales, C., Rojas-Berrio, S. P., & Robayo-Pinzón, Óscar J. (2018). Service dominant logic premises: automobile insurance in Colombia. Clío América, 12(23), 62–72.
Article of scientific and technological research
Author Biographies

Carolina Panche-Vidales, Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano


Sandra Patricia Rojas-Berrio, Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Óscar Javier Robayo-Pinzón, Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano



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