Exploring success factors and barriers for implementing knowledge management in software development organizations in Colombia
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knowledge management
success factors
Software Development Organizations

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Galvis-Lista, E. A., González-Zabala, M. P., & Sánchez-Torres, J. M. (2017). Exploring success factors and barriers for implementing knowledge management in software development organizations in Colombia. Clío América, 11(21). https://doi.org/10.21676/23897848.2114


Knowledge Management (KM) is a key discipline for Software Development Organizations (SDO) because the main asset and the main product of these organizations is knowledge in diverse forms. This study identified the factors considered determinants for the success in KM implementation and the barriers that difficult the implementation of KM. For reaching the objective, a survey among representatives of 129 SDO in Colombia was conducted. One of the findings of this study is the identification of Human-oriented factors as the most relevant factors for the success of KM, and the high cost and low availability of financial and human resources, and unawareness and inexperience in KM as the main barriers for the implementation of KM. This study could be used as a reference for identifying and establishing the existing conditions that could influence in present or future KM implementations.
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