The ISO standards and the cycle client provider
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Approach by processes

How to Cite

Palomeque-Solano, M. E. (2016). The ISO standards and the cycle client provider. Clío América, 10(20), 186–193.


Current managers are facing a relatively new situation: clients are every day more informed, and they have learned to demand better quality, more variety, faster response, and prices according to your expectations. Hence the importance of controlling the behavior of the relation input – product. The conditions in which products and services are marketed change, because of a set of phenomena that characterize the current market. Considerations on issues related to the understanding of the process approach of the family of ISO standards, in contrast to the impact they have on business performance, primarily in Latin America are summarized in this paper. The methodology used has been the document review, analysis, and synthesis via comparison with empirical experiences of the author.
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