The quality of higher education in Colombia. An econometric approach (2007-2012)
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Quality of education
teacher training
education economics
Higher education in Colombia.

How to Cite

Torres-Cabrera, M. A., Vélez-Peláez, J. M., & Altamar-Bula, F. (2015). The quality of higher education in Colombia. An econometric approach (2007-2012). Clío América, 9(18), 143–156.


This paper explores the relationship between levels of teacher education and socioeconomic characteristics of students with quality education that they themselves receive; the analysis takes place in the higher education sector over the period 2007-2012, analyzing the characteristics of this relationship for the Colombian case. By using data obtained from institutions, such as DANE and ICFES; together with the methodology of quantile regressions, descriptive statistics and basic econometrics, It manages to give a quantitative answer to the effect of a particular type of teacher in the quality of a student, emphasizing the importance of the role of masters and doctors in our institutions of higher education, and some clear public policy suggestions regarding investment in education and also an invitation to the scientific community to explore the special cases we came across.
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