Challenges of agricultural marketing of PYMES grown and marketed aji topito in the municipality of Galapa 2015
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For this study, detailed analysis of the activity of Aji Topito crops were conducted using surveys, interviews and workshops, using group work methodologies and performing analysis correct.
Sought was to implement and learn a detailed knowledge both productive and commercial process of these microentrepreneurs and growers Ají Topito in order to meet the capacity and economic and social development of this form of market in the town.
was analyzed the factors involved in the efficiency, local intervention, rural area production, administrative interests, the difficult conditions in which farmers work, opportunistic traders who economically pay much less than the cost of the product.
The study concluded that the lack of strengthening the productive chain Aji Topito, has created a weakness in the market, This allowed who the product finished in hand of the hoarders, decreasing the profits of farmers and small traders in the region, affecting in some way the development of local production, which has had to adjust to the circumstances that this market without observing a response from those who make part of the supply chain, involving the same way to government agencies and trade groups of farmers in the region.
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