Standard ítem 8 and continue improvement in enterprises from Ibague
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Continue improving
Standard ISO numeral 8.

How to Cite

Uribe Macías, M. E. (2014). Standard ítem 8 and continue improvement in enterprises from Ibague. Clío América, 8(16), 144–152.


AbstractThe research project was developed by a structured questionnaire application, designed ISO 9004 based-on, to seven certified enterprises that formed a sample chosen by convenience method. This paper presents the results of application of Standard numeral 8. Measuring, analysis and improve behavior analysis, emphasizing two great conclusions: the self-appreciation high level enterprises have about theirs Quality system management, and the application, development and demonstration about the actions they do are focused to improve their  quality systems efficacy and to strengthen their quality culture.Keywords: Quality; Continue improving; Standard ISO numeral 8.
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ICONTEC. (2001). Guía para las pequeñas empresas sobre la Norma ISO 9001:2000. Bogotá: Autor.

ISO (2000). Norma técnica colombiana NTC-ISO 9004, Sistemas de gestión de la calidad. Directrices para la mejora del desempeño. Bogotá: ICONTEC.

ISO (2008). Norma técnica colombiana NTC-ISO 9001, Sistemas de gestión de la calidad. Requisitos. Bogotá: ICONTEC.

Uribe, M. E. (2011). Los Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad: -el enfoque teórico y la aplicación empresarial-. Ibagué: Universidad del Tolima. p. 72-98.

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