Approach and scope

Clío América: Interdisciplinary Journal in Social Sciences applied to the Economy, Business and Enterprise, includes the biannual publication of articles whose purpose is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge of the different disciplines it deals with, likewise, they are focused on disseminating scientific papers strictly original and unpublished in Spanish and English, through the publication of scientific articles, reflection, and bibliographic reviews, related to the disciplines of interest and that correspond to research from the Colombian University and the world.

Objective of the journal

It seeks to contribute to the dissemination and confrontation of knowledge in order to stimulate the advance of intellectual production in the areas of economics, business and business issues or in relevant contributions to them, prepared from other disciplines.

Target audience

It is a publication addressed to entrepreneurs, professors and students interested in topics related to the research disciplines of the journal's thematic areas at a national and global level, as well as to all members of the master's and doctoral programs of the universities. , who wish to contribute to the dissemination and confrontation of knowledge in order to stimulate the advance of intellectual production in the areas of Economics, business and business issues.

Periodicity and diffusion

The Clío América Magazine is published Semestral (January - June), (July - December). Publishing the articles of each edition, at least the first day of the beginning of the corresponding period. Its circulation is internationally.


Clío América Magazine had a printed edition with the ISSN PRINT (1909-941X) from 2007 to 2017, henceforth, the magazine will have an ISSN WEB (2389-7848).

Citation and referencing rules

The citation and style standards are those of the American Psychologycal Association (APA), latest version.

Antiplagio detection

As part of its policy of respect for copyright, the editorial team of Clío América journal applies the Turnitin software as a first and last filter to detect plagiarism of articles that are submitted and approved by the journal.

Form of acquisition

The Clío América journal in its printed and digital version is freely accessible and has no associated costs per publication. You can access it through the page: or in printed format you can request it to Carrera 32 N ° 22 - 18, Edificio Ciénaga Grande Norte 3rd Floor Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business. PBX: (+ 57-5) 4301292 - 4217940 Ext: 1212 or through the electronic mail:


The Clío América magazine is financed with the resources assigned by the Universidad del Magdalena, through the Vice-Rector for Research - Editorial Unimagdalena.

Durability of publications

Clío América uses Doi (Digital Object Identifier), for the durability of its publications on the web.

The reception of articles is carried out throughout the year.

Peer evaluation process


The evaluation process begins at the moment in which the author and his article comply with the preliminary evaluation guidelines presented (authors' guide). If the guidelines are not met, the article will be sent to the author to apply the corresponding guidelines to the article, this period should not be longer than 15 business days. Once the guidelines are met, the Editorial Committee will evaluate the relevance of the article. To then select the evaluators.

The postulated articles will be evaluated by national and international anonymous peers (preferably outside the publishing institution), experts in the specific topic of the article to conceptualize the work considering the following criteria:

  • Internal coherence of work.
  • Quality and coherence of speech.
  • Domain of knowledge, quality or academic level.
  • Contribution to knowledge.
  • Contribution to future research.
  • Originality and scientific quality.

The evaluator will issue his concept in the article evaluation format, where he will rate each of them aspects such as Excellent (E), Good (B), Regular (R) or Deficient (D), and will emit the following concepts: i) publishable without modifications, ii) publishable with slight modifications, iii) publishable with substantial modification and iv) not publishable. In addition, the evaluator, if considered necessary, may add observations and recommendations in additional formats or sheets.

In case a positive and a negative evaluation is presented, the article will be sent to a third pair to define its status (Table 1).

Evaluation times. The time between the selection of the evaluators and the acceptance or delivery of the concept takes place in an average time of six (6) months. However, this period may be shorter or longer, depending on the availability of the reviewers and other factors that may delay or accelerate the process. The journal will only send the authors an official communication about their article, once it has a decision-making result of the evaluator.

When the evaluator issues a concept of publishable with substantial modifications, the authors must make and send those corrections in a time of eight (8) days. When the concept is published with slight modifications, the maximum time to make corrections and send is four (4) days. All these times counted from the date of note of notice to the author.


  • When the author cites the work of another or reproduces a figure or table from a book or journal article, you must ensure that you are not violating production rights (Copyright).
  • In case of proof of plagiarism or copyright infringement, the publishers will order the cancellation of the review processes, editorial preparation or printing, as the case may be.
  • Although in general an author can reproduce tables, photographs or other illustrations, he must obtain permission of the owner of the rights. If the owner of the rights is not the author of the material cited or reproduced, it is recommended that you also obtain the author's permission.
  • The authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permits for the reproduction of texts, figures, tables, photographs or other illustrations previously published.
  • Material extracted from unpublished letters and manuscripts will not be accepted unless permission is obtained correspondent.
  • The author must always make an appropriate acknowledgment of any material that is supplied.
  • Maximum three textual citations of the same author with less than 40 words within each article are allowed, this in order to avoid any situation related to plagiarism.
  • In case of having received funding from Colciencias - Colombia it is necessary to mention the assigned code (information requested by Publindex).
  • The AUTHOR (S) assigns (assign) and transfers (transfer) to THE UNIVERSITY OF THE MAGDALENA all the author's economic rights in relation to all the forms of use or exploitation known or to be known about THE ARTICLE and, in particular, regarding the print or digital edition.
  • The authors must comply with the guidelines of the ethics and good practice guide, which will be downloaded in the following link: editorialPolicies # cus tom-4

Open access policy

The content published by the Clio América magazine can be distributed, remixed, retouched and created in a non-commercial way, as long as the credits are given to it; new creations that originate from publications, must also be governed under these same conditions.


This magazine uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent archives in the journal for conservation and restoration purposes. Más...

Self-Archiving Policy

The works received by the journal, self-archiving is allowed at the time of the published version of the Post Print (editorial version) in institutional repositories, thematic or personal web pages.

  • Copyright and editorial must be accredited
  • A link or link must be added to the editor version. 
  • The version published by the editor must be added (published version)

License of our contents

Licencia de Creative Commons
Due to changes in editorial policy, the documents published in Clío América journal by University of Magdalena is licensed under a Creative CommonsReconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.


Bibliographic Bases


 EconLit includes the most sought-after working papers in economics publications, including peer-reviewed journal articles, from leading universities.


ProQuest is a resource of electronic collections that contains millions of articles originally published in magazines, newspapers and serial publications in general. You can search these collections for articles on subjects of your interest or that help you in your research or academic work.

ProQuest Central

It is a platform that brings together the 39 most used databases in the most extensive, diverse and relevant multidisciplinary research area available. This robust collection includes a diversity of topics such as: administration, business, and social sciences, science and technology, religion, news, etc.

ProQuest Business Collection

The Business Premium Collection combines the most popular commercial databases to provide your library with a truly comprehensive business research solution. By adding resources of specialized business topics to the broad coverage of the ABI / INFORM Collection, you can meet the needs of more of your users, no matter what their specialty.

ABI/INFORM Global - ProQuest

ABI / INFORM Global contains the full text of thousands of journals, including essential journals and the most important specialized journals. All this is available on the intuitive and powerful platform of ProQuest.


It is a bibliographic database created in 1975 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). It contains bibliographic records of articles, essays, book reviews, bibliographic reviews, brief notes, editorials, biographies, interviews, statistics and other documents published in more than 1,700 journals published in Latin America and the Caribbean, specialized in social sciences and humanities.

The journals included in CLASS meet selection criteria and are analyzed by a multidisciplinary team.


It is a specialized database of scientific and academic journals published in Latin America and the Caribbean, which offers services such as bibliographic references of articles and documents published in more than 3,000 titles indexed in Class and Periodical, through basic and advanced search options.


MIAR is a support instrument for those who have to perform evaluation tasks: they now have data on the identity and dissemination of the journals where the works subject to evaluation are published.


The Open Access Platform of Spanish and Latin American Electronic Scientific Journals e-Journals is a project promoted by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) with the aim of contributing to the dissemination and visibility of scientific journals published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.


The permanent Indexing Service, which has a computer platform that allows the online updating of the information of the journals and their contents. The scientific and technical committees will verify twice a year the information provided by the editors to update the validity of the classification of the journals according to the satisfaction of the conditions in the established categories.


Dialnet is one of the largest bibliographic portals in the world, whose main mission is to give greater visibility to the Hispanic scientific literature.

Focused mainly on the areas of Human, Legal and Social Sciences, Dialnet is constituted as a fundamental tool for the search of quality information.


The objective of the Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals is to prepare a classification of scientific journals of Social and Human Sciences. This classification is made according to the quality, integrating the existing evaluation products and considered positively by the different national assessment agencies such as CNEAI and ANECA.

Business Sources Premier

It is the main academic database on business issues. It contains documents extracted from journals, newspapers and reports among others, covering areas such as economics, management, finance, accounting and business.

Business Sources Elite 

It is a database that provides access to the complete text of more than 1,200 academic and research journals on topics of economy, business, accounting or banking, among others.



Multidisciplinary directory of open access journals (open access) with a link to the web pages that offer the full texts of the articles of these journals. Some of the magazines are emptied in the directory itself so it allows you to search for articles.


It is the product of the cooperation of a network of institutions that function in a coordinated manner to gather and disseminate bibliographic information on serial scientific publications produced in the region.


Database, produced by Bowker, of 300,000 magazines, newspapers and online electronic resources published regularly and irregularly in 200 countries. It includes scientific and academic publications, peer-reviewed, as well as professional, commercial and popular literature, press, bulletins, yearbooks, etc. It allows you to search for titles of journals of any subject and by numerous criteria. It informs about the databases in which the journals are analyzed, which is very valuable for the evaluation of their diffusion or visibility. It also gives an account of the platforms in which the full text is accessed and in many cases provides the tables of contents. It also includes data on the history of publications, title changes, missing journals, etc.


The CiteFactor server provides the indexing of the main international journals and procedures. The author can obtain information about the impact factor of the international journal, the procedures (research documents) and information about upcoming events. All journal pages have pointers to the web pages of the editors that are integrated into the flow pages of CiteFactor.


Emerging Sources Citation Index


Thomson Reuters has added to Web Of Science a new database: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), which has become part of the databases included in the national license.


Reference Index The European for Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) is the most important and prestigious reference index of the European Union regarding the international accreditation of the Quality and Impact of Scientific Journals in the field of Humanities and Sciences Social.


BASE is one of the most voluminous search engines in the world especially for academic open access web resources. BASE is operated by the Library of the University of Bielefeld.


It is an Index of Open Academic Journals (OAJI) is a full text database of open access scientific journals. Our mission is to create an international platform for the indexation of open access to scientific journals.



The ROMEO database is a service run by SHERPA to show copyright policies and open access to self-archiving of academic publications. The database uses a color coding scheme to classify publishers according to their self-archiving policy. ROMEO is part of SHERPA Services, based at the University of Nottingham (England). Romeo has collaborative relationships with many international partners, who contribute their time and effort to develop and maintain the service. The current development of ROMEO is funded by JISC.


Dotec-Colombia is a virtual project that seeks to centralize and disseminate economic research in Colombia, which links all its documents in Repec, Ideas and Econpapers.


EconPapers provides access to RePec, the world's largest collection of online economy papers, journal articles and software.


It is a database that aims to improve the dissemination of research in economics and related sciences.


It is a bibliographic database dedicated to the Economy and freely available on the Internet.

Plagiarism Detection



Turnitin is a tool for risk mitigation of academic and professional plagiarism, as well as a means of supporting the process of teaching and learning.

Social Networks

Google Scholar 

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search academic literature. From a place, where you can look for information from different disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, summaries and opinions of the courts, academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other websites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work throughout the world of academic research.



Academia is a free social network that aims to connect scientists, offer them a platform to share their research work and facilitate the follow-up of articles that are relevant to their fields of study.


Mendeley is a bibliography manager, a PDF reader, a system for storing and organizing documents, a search engine for scientific information and an academic social network in which to share bibliographic citations and publications.