Evaluación de la necesidad de tipificar el transfeminicidio en Colombia: un análisis preliminar
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Díaz Martínez, J., & Oleas Reyes, N. (2024). Evaluación de la necesidad de tipificar el transfeminicidio en Colombia: un análisis preliminar. Saberes Jurídicos, 3(1), 58–64. Retrieved from https://revistas.unimagdalena.edu.co/index.php/saberesjuridicos/article/view/6186


In recent years, transfeminicide has increased dramatically leaving this community in a state of vulnerability and in a constant struggle for the recognition and protection of their rights, however, trans women are included in the crime of femicide, which could lead to a legal vacuum in terms of the assessment of the crime committed against them, since it is not regulated in a direct, express and autonomous manner. This article presents the results of the research whose main objective is to identify whether it is necessary to include cases of transfeminicide in the crime of feminicide in Colombia, being guided by the legal-analytical method analyzing the laws and sentences currently in force where transfeminicide is included in the criminal type of feminicide. The above being key to making visible the legal gap that exists in the Colombian regulatory framework due to the lack of classification, allowing not only to address the superficial manifestations of violence, but also to draw up effective strategies to eradicate the deep roots that feed this form of discrimination.
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