Virtuality: response to the crisis of citizen control mechanism in Colombia
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social control
social networks

How to Cite

Fernández de Castro, V. C. (2023). Virtuality: response to the crisis of citizen control mechanism in Colombia. Saberes Jurídicos, 2(2), 15–22. Retrieved from


T he traditional mechanisms of social participation in Colombia have shown to be ineffective at the time of developing its social actions. The absence of dynamics that answer to the democratic needs has been manifested in processes that contradict the functionality and the pragmatism the same society needs in public matters. Also, the incongruity of the structure of these mechanisms with regard to the country's social reality is promoted by the lack of stable and effective communication politics capable of agglomerating civil needs and materializing them in actions. Hence, the community does not understand its role in public actions, distorting the real sense of being able to be a part of these methods. This situation has unleashed the absence of transparency in the processes that sustain the exercise of civil alertness to the public management. In fact, it is necessary to understand the existence of new fields, where citizens have the aptitude to approach new forms of interaction, a fact that will allow them to run in the different social actions of its environment (Haro de Rosario et al., 2016). In these stages, the social networks appear like spaces not only of social interrelation but also as mechanisms which allow develop topics of public interest, making it possible to understand them like forums of political persuasion and of declaration of thoughts offline (McGregor, 2017; Miller et al., 2015).
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