Media and citizen participation: democratic citizen control in the digital age in Colombia
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Open government
Citizen participation
Social networks

How to Cite

Orozco-Madrid, L. (2022). Media and citizen participation: democratic citizen control in the digital age in Colombia. Saberes Jurídicos, 2(1), 65–70. Retrieved from


The digital media alternatives that have been consolidated in recent years have allowed governments increasingly closer to citizens management and also that they can do monitoring, surveillance and permanent control of administrative actions occurring in the public sphere. Then, convergence between the media, stakeholders, citizens and public administrations that promote the good exercise of democracy and seek to optimize the transparency of public management is fundamental. The paper emerges from the theoretical review and data published by studies on the Open Government Index 2020 and the Digital Government Index 2021 for the Gobernación del Magdalena and the same indicators for the Alcaldía de Santa Marta, as well as the Index of the Dimensions Management and Institutional Performance of the same entity of the District. Finally, the Encuesta Virtual “Mi Voz Mi Ciudad” of the Santa Marta Cómo Vamos organization for 2021 was consulted.
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