Strategic planning manager and management education in elementary education institutions
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strategic management

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Bracho Pérez, K. J., & Carruyo Duran, N. Y. (2011). Strategic planning manager and management education in elementary education institutions. Praxis, 7(1), 13–29.


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between strategic planning and management of educational managers in primary schools of the parish municipality of Ricaurte Mara. The research was based on the theoretical bases of authors: Serna (2003), Chiavenato (2001), and Weihrich Koantz (2004), Pacheco, chestnut and Caicedo (2002) among others. The research was descriptive correlational design under a nonexperimental transactional field, the population consisted of 115 subjects between administrators and teachers, which the sample was taken and Tamayo Tamayo criterion; census. Data collection was conducted through two questionnaires (Brad) for managers and (Brad) for teachers each consisting of 42 items in Likert-type scale with four answer choices, which was validated by five experts and the reliability was calculated through Cronbach alpha coefficient was the result of which (0.95) for the questionnaire (Brad) applied to directors and (0.90) for the questionnaire (Brad) applied to teachers. The statistic used was descriptive using percentage tables. The results determined that the application of strategic planning by educational managers is low so there are weaknesses in management, we can say that there is a very high correlation (r = 0.89) between strategic planning and management of the educational manager in primary schools of the parish municipality of Ricaurte Mara.
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