Teaching strategy for learning in the laboratory electrical circuits Universidad de la Costa CUC
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teaching strategy
teaching and learning
guiding electrical circuits lab module

How to Cite

Dederlé-Caballero, R., Pérez-Villareal, E., Lora-Castro, S., Peña-Arrieta, C., & Charris-Chiquillo, F. (2015). Teaching strategy for learning in the laboratory electrical circuits Universidad de la Costa CUC. Praxis, 11(1), 54–60. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897856.1553


This paper is the result of a research that aim new didactical elements through a guiding module using TIC (Technologies of Information and Communication) for the electrical circuit laboratories of the faculty of Electrical Engineering in the Universidad de la Costa. The research begins identifying the current laboratories strategies in the local, national and international context using a descriptive-quantitative research methodology. This work showed the need to propose a guiding module that help students to develop the own knowledge, even helps to be autonomous to investigate, meditate and criticize the practice, and the role of the teacher is give a support with the proposals module guides in this research. According to the results, it is required a promotion and diffusion of the electrical circuits course using TIC to get the goal of a significant learning, that transform the traditional teaching methodology with this it is noted that using this tools ensure an improvement in the academicals performance.
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