Teaching parenting styles in families with children with special needs in Samacá-Boyacá
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Teaching parenting styles
special needs

How to Cite

Acosta-Muñoz, J. F., Toro-Ibarra, A. M., & Guerrero-Ramírez, M. A. (2015). Teaching parenting styles in families with children with special needs in Samacá-Boyacá. Praxis, 11(1), 19–29. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897856.1550


The current investigation had as an objective to inquire about the parental teaching styles in families with children that show special educative needs, which assist to “Institución Educativa La Libertad” in Samacá-Boyacá, trough methodology of qualitative investigation, with a critic-social focus starting off the method of critic ethnography. The population for the current research was composed by fifteen families of the municipality. The information collection strategy was based in the application of interviews, life’s reports, investigative workshops and field diaries. The result analysis was performed from the categorical system, which allowed seeing that the parental teaching styles in population are established as a consequence of cultural factors and lived experiences of parents in their childhood, besides was evidenced that parents don’t share a same parental style, because the paternal figure shows negligence in the care and education of its children, while the maternal figure is considered the only responsible of the care of children and other responsibilities of home.
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