About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Praxis is a biannual peer-reviewed publication, conceived as an academic space for the dissemination of scientific knowledge on issues related to education and socio-educational research. It is aimed at professionals, teachers, students and researchers interested in education, called to play a key role in the articulation of a broad participative space of society.

Praxis publishes articles results of research, reflection and review, contributing to the configuration and discussion of the corpus of educational knowledge, from multiple scenarios in the national and international context.

Objective and Thematic


One of the fundamental objectives of Praxis is to create an integral community of researchers, who, based on the evidence of rigorous research, contribute to the discussion, analysis, debate and solution of different problems registered in the field of education.


It covers issues related to education and socio-educational research, as well as other branches related to these, such as: pedagogy, curriculum, early childhood, human development, comprehensive education, general didactics and specific didactics, education for peace and territory, educational policies, teaching and professional development, skills development, pedagogical and intercultural education models, management and administration in educational organizations, knowledge management and information technology and communications. All articles are evaluated by academic peers.

Public to whom it is addressed

Journal aimed at students, teachers and professionals in general, interested in education at any of its organizational levels (from preschool to university) and in any area of related knowledge.

Frequency and regularity of publication

Praxis journal has a biannual periodicity from 2017, that is, from January to June for the first semester and July to December for the second; publishing the articles of each edition, at least the first day of the beginning of the corresponding period. Its circulation is national and international.

Citation and reference standard

Praxis journal defends and respects copyright, which is why all citations must be correctly referenced in the text including the author's last name, the year and in some cases if the pages are necessary depending on the case. Authors are requested to follow the instructions for citations and bibliographic references set forth in the latest version of the APA standards.

Plagiarism Detection

In order to ensure the originality of the articles and the respect for copyrights, the Praxis journal submits all articles received and accepted for a review of originality, for which it is used the software Turnitin.

Peer Review Process

The reception of an article does not imply the obligation for its acceptance, nor commitment regarding the publication. The editorial team, to verify compliance with the specific rules of the articles, as well as the suitability and quality of the same, will review all papers received with the intention of being published in the journal initially. If the article does not comply with the editorial policies of the journal, it will be returned to the author to make the corresponding adjustments.

Articles that comply with all the guidelines set out in the instructions for authors will be sent to international peer reviewers of recognized experience, who will advance the double-blind evaluation process. The evaluators will have a maximum time of two weeks to issue a concept on the article and may make recommendations or request clarifications. According to the results of the peer evaluation, the Editorial Committee will decide whether or not to accept the articles for publication. The journal will send the concepts of evaluation in a period of four to eight months, depending on the number of manuscripts received.

The Editorial Committee will review the evaluations and recommendations of the evaluators and decide whether the article is "Accepted without modifications," "Accepted with modifications" or "Rejected." In any of the above cases, the author will be informed of the results of the review process. The author, according to the comments received, will make the arrangements in his article and send it again for later approval.

In case a positive and a negative evaluation are presented, the article will be sent to a third pair, to define the status of the same.

Accepted articles will go through a process of style correction and layout by the editing team, whose process may be subject to adjustments by the author. When you have the galley proof of the journal, the article will be sent to the authors for review and approval; this step is before printing the corresponding number.

Open Access Policy

The journal in its printed and digital version is free and has no costs associated with participation or publishing articles.

Journal allows users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of scientific articles, as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (Boai). www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/read


Bibliographic Databases

Thomson Reuters has incorporated a new database in Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (CSEC), which has become part of the databases included in the national license. Where we are now indexed in the main collection.

Permanent Indexing Service, which has a computing platform that allows online updating of information in magazines and its contents. The scientific and technical committees twice a year verify the information provided by the editors to update the validity of the classification of journals as meeting the conditions established categories.


Is one of the largest bibliographic portals in the world, whose main task is to give greater visibility to Hispanic literature.

Focused mainly on the fields of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences, Dialnet constitutes a fundamental tool for finding quality information.

The Open Access platform Spanish and Latin American Scientific Journals e-Journals Electronic is a project promoted by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in order to contribute to the dissemination and visibility of scientific journals published in Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.

Indexes and Directories 

Multidisciplinary directory of open access journals (open access) with links to web pages that offer the full texts of the articles in these journals. Some of the journals are emptied into the directory itself by allowing you to search items.

It is a product of the cooperation of a network of institutions that work collaboratively to gather and disseminate bibliographic information on serial scientific publications produced in the region.


The Journals Index Higher Education and Educational Research  (IRESIE) is an information system specialized in Latin American education. Development since 1979 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in order to detect, retrieve, organize, preserve, store, organize and disseminate the results of research, teaching or planning generated in the educational field in Latin American region.

The Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) is an international governmental body for cooperation between Latin American countries in the field of education, science, technology and culture in the context of integral development, democracy and regional integration.

MIAR database gathers key information for the identification and analysis of journals. It’s a support tool for those who have to perform assessment work: now it have data on the identity and diffusion of the journals in which the evaluated jobs are published.

The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) is the most important and prestigious index of the European Union in terms of international accreditation of the quality and impact of scientific journals in the topics of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) is a full-text open access database of scientific journals.

Is one of the most voluminous search engines especially for World web free access academic resources. BASE is operated by the Library of the University of Bielefeld.

International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) has been established to promote various domains related to Education and Research around the globe to make it easily accessible and  more organized. I2OR provides a much desired platform for Researchers, Editors, Publishers and Conference Organizers through its exclusive services viz. 



Database, produced by Bowker, 300,000 magazines, journals and electronic online resources published regularly and irregularly in 200 countries. It includes both scientific and scholarly journals, peer reviewed professional, commercial and popular literature, newspapers, newsletters, directories, etc. Allows searches of journal titles for any subject and by numerous criteria. Reports the databases that magazines are analyzed, which is very valuable for evaluating dissemination or visibility. Also it realizes the platforms on which you access the full text and in many cases provides the tables of contents. Also includes data of the history of publishing, title changes, missing, magazines, etc.


The data base ROMEO (Rights Metadata for Open archiving), is a service run by SHERPA to show the copyright and open access self-archiving policies of academic journals. The database uses a colour‐coding scheme to classify publishers according to their self‐archiving policy. ROMEO belongs to SHERPA Services, based at the University of Nottingham (England). Romeo has partnerships with many international partners, who contribute their time and effort to develop and maintain the service. ROMEO The current development of Romeo is funded by JISC.